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What do Amazon, Apple, Virgin, and Google all have in common?

They all started in a garage. Many small- and mid-sized businesses began with an idea and a vision for what the business and its employees are set out to do. In the beginning, it may have been just you (and maybe your significant other or a pet) in a garage, with an idea and a dream.

And then you grew--added clients and customers, added staff, and got an office with a hefty lease--right? Somewhere in the excitement of growing, you might have hastily thrown together a couple of generic policies pulled from the internet and called it an employee handbook? Maybe.

But there’s no cohesion, no linearity, it just doesn’t have a good flow and no way to reference it or make sure employees have received it, understand, and acknowledge those are the rules of engagement.

Employee handbooks set clear expectations and outline your legal obligations. It often serves as both a sword and a shield in employment suits. We keep you protected.

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